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How To Protect Your Home / Property.


Have you ever sat down and thought of a fundamental spell to protect your home or property? We always want to feel our homes secure, we lock our doors, close the curtains and doors at night, and maybe even have an alarm. All of those things are great for stopping physical threats, but what about keeping out negative energy coming from the people in your neighborhood?, a home protection spell is always an answer to you! Psychic Mia do alot of protection spells which involve energytic cleansing, using your intuition to decorate the outside of your home with protective intentions (e.g a wreath of protective plants), use of protective herbs, protective sigils such as a pentacle on your door,use of crystals or stones with magical properties, such as Hematite to create a barrier and repel negative energies around your home among so many all with the intention of creating a protective boundary around your home/ property.

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