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How To Overcome Relationship Anxiety.


Relationship anxiety is caused by feelings of doubt, fear, or insecurity about your relationship. It is an unsettled feeling that makes it difficult to be at ease about the state of your relationship, falling in love is such a beautiful thing but the truth is that most relationships have their ups and downs hence causing anxiety. Relationship anxiety usually stems from either witnessing the downfall of relationships growing up, you had Relationship anxiety usually stems from either witnessing the downfall of relationships growing up, you might have had traumatic experiences in the past relationships like dramatic break up and abuse or from firsthand negative experiences with such relationships.

Are you having alot of questions and doubts in your relationship like; Is this person right for me? Are they hiding something? What if the relationship doesn’t work out? Are you undergoing consistent emotional instability, decreased motivation, loneliness and fatigue, difficulty focusing on tasks, and impaired judgement? Then Psychic Mia is here to help you out through mindfulness, meditation skills and relaxation techiniques such as reiki healing, yoga among others which can help you break free from negative thought patterns and worries about the future or regrets about the past while changing your life, relieving stress and calming anxiety.

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