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How Energy healing Empower Our Lives And Well Being.


Energy healing is a traditional healing system that restores the balance and flow of energy throughout the body, mind, and something we are all capable of, but in today's busy and fast paced life we have forgotten how to tap into our own intuition.

By tapping into a clients energy field Psychic Mia can help release physical pain, emotional trauma or mental health issues by gently reminding the mind, body and soul how to self heal by clearing negative blockages from within their energy field. I also offer workshops and talks to show how we can all heal by using some simple exercises and gently reminding our bodies what we innately know. Am a Reiki practitioner and send the healing energy of Reiki to every person and every living being on the planet and beyond. The purpose is to bring healing to all aspects of an individual’s life which include mental, spiritual, emotional and physical, each and every day. This is to empower each individual to their highest and best good. If you feel that you need a boost of energy, some relaxation, grounding, centering and clarity, You are welcome to put your name and location and get a free session.

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